Christmas Workshop
On 13.12.2024, a Christmas workshop was held at the Nikator Secondary School at the initiative of the Parents’ Council. The Chairperson of the Parents’ Council, Mrs. Iskra Mikova, with the help of parents from different classes, showed and helped our students how to make Christmas trees from different materials – paper, yarn and fringe. Some […]
Presentation of Kazakh fairy tales
On 23.10.2024 A presentation of the book took place at the Private School “G.S. Ulanova”. “Kazakh Folk Tales” by the Publishing House “Education and Science” EAD. The book is issued by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Bulgaria, and himself ambassador and officials at the Embassy were guests at the […]
Lyceum Day
On 18.10.2024, the students of G.S. UlanovaLanguage School celebrated Lyceum Day. The celebration began with the welcoming of the school flag and a choral performance of the school anthem, created to the text and music of our teachers. Seventh-grader Mikhail Kurmanov reminded his classmates of the history of the establishment of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in […]
Лятно училище през June 2024 година
Здравствуй, школа! 16.09.2024 г. в ЧСЯШ им. Г.С.Улановой состоялась торжественная линейка по случаю начала учебного года. Уже 25 лет наша школа принимает своих учеников, а юбилейный концерт к 25-летию основания школы состоялся 08.06.2024г. С большим волнением нетерпеливые лицеисты начали заполнять школьный двор еще с раннего утра. С улыбкой на лицах и с цветами в руках […]
Open lesson in classical dance for an individual group
На 14.03.2024 г. в ЧСЕУ „Г.С.Уланова“ се състоя открит урок по класически танц на индивидуалната група с преподавател г-жа Шара Карсакпаева. Балерините показаха екзерсиз на станка и среда и следващия раздел на класическия танц „Алегро“. Под музиката на известни класически произведения балерините представиха от две вариации от сценичната практика на класическото наследство – вариация „Камбанки“ […]