In 1990 she worked as a teacher in classical dance at the State Choreographic School (now the National School of Dance) in Sofia, Bulgaria.
She taught classical dance at the National Music Academy, National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, New Bulgarian University, Secondary School of Russian Embassy in Sofia, Lycee Francaise “Victor Hugo” and English-American College in Sofia. She was a leading trainer in Private Ballet School “Mika Jurga” in Greece. She leaded a seminar on classical ballet under the aegis of UNESCO.
In 1999 she founded the Russian Ballet School – Sofia and in 2004 opened Private School for Dance “Galina Ulanova” with specialty “classical dance” and from 2007 – “modern dance”.
In 2009 she opened Private Kindergarten and Private Secondary School, teaching in Russian and English. The same year the three institutions combined their creative activities in one educational and cultural complex – Russian Lyceum – Sofia, whose director became Shara Karsakpaeva.
She created more than forty concerts in Bulgaria and nine European countries. She wrote a thesis “Links and mutual interactions of classical dance and art gymnastics” (Moscow, 1989); studio “Impact of dance on the education of preschool children” (Sofia, 1999, programme “Step by step” of “Soros” open society and Georgetown University, USA); “Social and professional integration of disadvantaged children by teaching them dance in professional ballet school” (Sofia, 2004, project “Equal opportunity”)
Shara Karsakpaeva created twelve original programmes for special ty training in classical dance, licensed by the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria(Sofia, 2004)
The soloists and ensembles taught by her have been participating in several national and international competitions and they have become winners of many prestigious awards.
Shara Karsakpaeva participates actively in society. From 2005 she is a Chairman of the Board of League of Kazakhstan in Bulgaria “Aruh”, member of the management of the Forum of Russian compatriots, member of Russian Club“Soglasie”.
For her active teaching, creative and social activities Shara Karsakpaeva has won many awards:
- Diploma “Zolotaya Muse” (2006)
- Gratitude from the President of the Federation Council of Russia (2006)
- Diploma from the Government Commission of Russia for work with compatriots abroad (2009)
- Honorary Diploma from the Minister of Culture of Russia (2009)
- Silver medal “Union of federations, 15 years” (2009)
- Order “Russian Nation” (2009)
- Medal “Pushkin” (Decree of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, May 15th, 2010)
- Diploma “For the special contribution to the study, preservation and development of the Russian scientific, spiritual and cultural heritage abroad” from the Government Commission for Work with Compatriots Abroad, chaired by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia – 2013.
- Diploma of the Bulgarian Association of Private Schools for high quality of education and upbringing – 2014.
- Federation Council Medal. 20 years" by the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko – 2014.
- Sign of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Interaction" – 2014
- Certificate of Honor from the Governmental Commission on the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad for Special Merits in Support of Russia, for the Development of Historical Relations with the Motherland, for the Preservation of the Russian Language and Russian Culture – 2015
- Medal "For the development of Russian-Bulgarian humanitarian cooperation" – 2015
- Diploma for "Significant contribution to the development of Russian-Bulgarian humanitarian cooperation" of the Federal Agency for Work with Independent State Associations of Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation – 2015.
- Certificate from the Union of Bulgarian Journalists for contribution to the development of cultural cooperation between Bulgaria, Russia and Kazakhstan – 2016.
- Diploma from the Federation for Friendship with the Peoples of Russia and the CIS, for the award-winning activity for the development and deepening of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Russian Federation and the other peoples of the Commonwealth of Independent States – 2016.
- Diploma from the "Slavians" Foundation for the award-winning activity for the development of Slavic reciprocity and the deepening of ties and cooperation between the Slavic countries and other peoples – 2016.
- Sign "For contribution to international cooperation" Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation – 2016.
- Diploma of honor from the Federal Press and Mass Communications Agency for long-term and fruitful activity, for the great personal contribution to the promotion of the Russian language and culture abroad – 2016.
- Memorial medal in honor of the 25th anniversary of the establishment ofdiplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Kazakhstan – 2018