
Ballet School


Our mission is to discover and develop  individual creativity and to obtain higher professional training all our graduates.

MISSION of the Russian Ballet School – Sofia is:

  • to enable every child to dance, regardless of environmental data and dancing abilities;
  • to discover talented children and teach them to dance, enabling them to continue their education in vocational dance school;
  • to involve all students to the wonderful world of true art.


Ballet training gives:

  • Good physical condition and guaranteed correct development of all muscles.
  • Talent development.
  • Education of the sense of beauty, rhythm and behavior.
  • Discovering the child’s role using an individual approach.

The dance training is carried out according to author’s programs, which were developed on the basis of the Russian dance training methodology according to A.Vaganova’s system. This system consists of systematic teaching of classical dance, continuation and development of the traditions of the French, Italian and Russian schools and is rightly considered a model of ballet pedagogy.

The learning process includes:

  • Classes on general physical culture and development of physical potential.
  • Classic exercises.
  • Thumb technique.
  • Modern techniques.
  • Learning to dance.
  • Preparation for competitions/ individual activities.


Choreography becomes competitive if there are good conditions for classes. In the hall where harmony reigns and beautiful dances are born, everything should be inspiring and harmonious.

In the basement of the G.S. Ulanova Private Secondary Language School is a multifunctional hall used as a teaching theater and a ballet hall.

The ballet hall fully meets all the necessary requirements. The ballet hall is equipped with:

  • horeographic machines necessary for the quality education of our students;
  • mirrors, which are a traditional element of every dance hall, are both an aid in working out choreographic elements and an opportunity to objectively evaluate successes;
  • ventilation and air conditioning system, which makes classes more efficient and comfortable;
  • acoustic systems;
  • musical instruments;
  • the floor covering is safe and comfortable for learning the art of dance.

Admission and Fees

For classes in different age groups annually are accepted children from about three to eighteen years.

There is an initial entry test, which aims to guide teachers on natural data, medical items, music and dance training of the candidates.

GROUP I – children from about 3 to 5 years old incl.

GROUP II – children from 6 to 8 years old incl.

GROUP III – children from 9 to 10 years old,

GROUP IV – children from 10 to 18 years old.

PREPARATORY GROUP – children are accepted at the discretion of the teachers for their ballet training (after they have passed all levels of initial ballet training).

INDIVIDUAL GROUP – children over 7 years of age with outstanding talents and after passing all levels of elementary ballet training are accepted.

Admission is carried out by conducting an exam for dance and music preparation and assessment of the child’s natural data and medical indicators.

The training is conducted according to a professional program for classical dances.

The group is led personally by the Principal of the Russian Ballet School Ms. Shara Karsakpaeva.


Fees are determined annually.

The amount depends on age and number of weekly classes.


За нас

Руската Балетна Школа – София е основана през 1999 г. от г-жа Шара Карсакпаева.

Приемат деца от три до осемнадесет години, разделени в различни възрастови групи.

Занятията по танцово изкуство за начинаещи и напреднали се провеждат по специализирани програми от висококвалифицирани преподаватели.

Това позволява да се обучават деца с различни природни данни и танцови умения.

Най-способните възпитаници имат възможност да продължат образованието си Училището за танцово изкуство, където ще получат професионална подготовка в специалностите „Класически танц” и „Модерни танци”.

Школата има богата сценична дейност и много награди от национални и международни форуми.

Нашата мисия

МИСИЯТА на Руската Балетна Школа – София е:


Open lesson in classical dance for an individual group

На 14.03.2024 г. в ЧСЕУ „Г.С.Уланова“ се състоя открит урок по класически танц на индивидуалната група с преподавател г-жа Шара Карсакпаева. Балерините показаха екзерсиз на станка и среда и следващия раздел на класическия танц „Алегро“. Под музиката на известни класически произведения балерините представиха от две вариации от сценичната практика на

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Open lesson in classical dance for an individual group

На 14.03.2024 г. в ЧСЕУ „Г.С.Уланова“ се състоя открит урок по класически танц на индивидуалната група с преподавател г-жа Шара Карсакпаева. Балерините показаха екзерсиз на станка и среда и следващия раздел на класическия танц „Алегро“. Под музиката на известни класически произведения балерините представиха от две вариации от сценичната практика на

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